Saturday 1 October 2016

9JA @ 56


There came a time in the history of Nigeria when she dreamed for independence.
There came a moment in the history of Nigeria when she groaned to gain freedom from the British.
There came a season in the history of Nigeria when she desired to obtain independence from her rulers. 

The moment when she seeked her elites to stand up and fight for independence.
The season when she awaited the voice and appearance of her freedom fighters
The moment when she believed that independence was ready to answer the call of nature in her country. 

She believed in freedom and independence for her country and its occupants, and not colonisation and exploitation from the British colony.
She believed in fighting for freedom and independence than dying a coward.
She believed in her elites efforts to obtain her independence and sovereignty. 

She believed in independence and freedom which she got.
The death of her elites and freedom fighters was never in vain.
This is Nigeria at 56 and she is still a sovereign and independent country.



Vabec is a Shakespearean writer and poet, whose words are curled from both the knowledge of the known and the unknown...

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